1st XV Men
Sat 02 Mar 2024  ·  Regional 1 South Central
Havant Rugby Football Club
1st XV Men
Tries: J Leat, J Knight, S Shepherd, W Dugan, B Holt (2), A ChirimaConversions: J Knight (3)Penalties: J KnightYellow Carded: W Owen, W Dugan
Havant secure  bonus point win to stay top

Havant secure bonus point win to stay top

Pete Mayhead4 Mar - 17:17
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Saturday saw Havant's last home game of the season, against as always, a tough Maidenhead side. The crowd was swelled by the annual Volunteers lunch. Which number 190. So, the faithful numbered in excess of 500.
Will Knight had selection problems again with the pool of players ever decreasing. Kelton New had his first start in the backrow and Tani Naduva came in at fullback. whilst Mark Dowds made his first appearance for nearly 6 seasons as a replacement.
The game started with all the pressure on the young Maidenhead side, especially the pack as Havant turned the screw early on. The game was five minutes old when Havant's rolling maul was too much for Maidenhead, Jarod Leat coming up with the ball.
Minutes later and Havant were further in front when a big break up the middle saw Joel Knight add to his tally of tries. Brother Jacob making no mistake with the conversion.
The forwards carried on their domination creating the platform for the backs, but stray passes and uncharacteristic mistakes saw chances go begging. Another rolling maul just before the twenty-minute mark saw Sean Shepherd score a trademark try his 17th of the season! could the record be in danger?
The next couple of plays were spoiled, before an excellent move from a catch and drive saw a cheeky little switch and Wes Dugan was in for the bonus point try. Havant led 24-0 just before the half-hour mark.
Maidenhead were by no means out of the contest with former fan favorite Jaryd Robinson looking strong in the carry and both wings were lightning fast. A mistake let them in for their first try and another mistake let them score a 2nd try before the halftime whistle.

Half-time Havant 24 Maidenhead 12

More pressure from the pack who were certainly on form today saw Jacob Knight profit with a penalty Infront of the posts, extending the lead further.
The game became a little disjointed after Maidenhead were down to thirteen players after two yellows minutes apart. Havant took advantage and extended their lead further with another good try from Ben Holt. 32-12 the score now.
Having come back to full strength it was a yellow to Wes Dugan for a high tackle that led to some real pressure from the Maidenhead pack, on the Havant try line for a good five minutes but the "D" from Havant was immense and they weathered the storm.
Another good move from Havant saw Ben Holt get away from his tacklers and score his 2nd of the game and with just over ten minutes to play Havant were safe.
Right on the fulltime whistle Ash Chirima made a charging run after good work from the pack again, scoring his first try for the club, a powerhouse in the making me thinks!

Full-time Havant 44 Maidenhead 12

Credit to Maidenhead who battled through out, their back three were very quick and were only stopped by some devilish tackling from man of the match Taniela Naduva.
The Havant pack need a mention to, some clever moves when the Maidenhead pack didn't engage in the rolling maul and the domination in the ruck, also some great breaks into space. The backline was masterfully drilled by Reuben Knight with his brother Jacob Knight in no mood to let anybody by, tackling to a standstill.

Will Knight's thoughts on the game
"If felt we were always in control of the game and but for some uncharacteristic handling errors we might have scored more. Maidenhead were really dangerous on the counterattack all afternoon but for the most part our defence held. We now have a week off and then a crucial fixture against Bracknell and hopefully a few more off the injury list."

Match details

Match date

Sat 02 Mar 2024




Regional 1 South Central

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Team Sponsors

Main Club Sponsor - Bell Integration
shirt sponsor - R.R.S